2am August 7

I lay here at 2am in the cold and uncomfortable hospital bed at Kapiolani hospital. 

It was a perfect day; I went to work, had a nice lunch with my mom, and completed much on my to do list. Then it hit me…on my way to pick up Blaine after work I was hit with an intense pain in my abdomen. Thinking that it was nothing more than cramps from my miscarriage, I swallowed extra strength Tylenol and waited for the pain to dissipate. 

After an hour with no relief insight and the onset of nausea and vomiting, we called Dr. Kosasa who advised us to head to the emergency room ASAP. It was like a scene out of movies as I was rushed ahead of waiting room patients , greeted in the emergency room by a handful of nurses and doctors, and prepped for operation minutes after arriving. 

I was in pain, severe pain and it took drug after drug for me to feel the slightest bit comfortable. I whined and moaned because the pain was so unbearable. I nearly fainted and needed to be coached on deep breathing techniques. It was an experience I had never imagined I would have to endure purely for my desire to want to have a baby. 

It’s now 2am and the surgery is over, the pain is gone, and I lay here trying to piece together everything that we’ve been through on this IVF journey. I knew what to expect; however, an ectopic pregnancy, ruptured Fallopian tube, and internal bleeding I failed to prepare myself for. 

It’s a discouraging feeling but I am grateful to have caught this early on as outcomes could have been a lot different. But yet, another road block on our journey to starting a family and living happily ever after. 

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